Saturday, January 26, 2008

Glue Book WIP 10 Page 13/14

Glue Book WIP 10
Originally uploaded by Mr.Burning
The last two pages.

Naff wind effect - again - on page 13 but 14 has come out pretty much as anticipated.

I excpect the cover front and back to be completed very shortly. This will just entail placing block colours and some text.

Hopefully the finished article will be okay.

Glue Book 2008 WIP 9 Page 11/12

Glue Book 2008 WIP 9
Originally uploaded by Mr.Burning
Almost there now.

I had a moment of madness and tried to show a gust of wind with black marker. The cold, hard, light of day shows that it looks a bit naff - I did the same on one of the follwing pages as well...too late to go back over now since I randomly mix paints.

Two more pages to go then I can start thinking about the cover - that will be a big test - and what I am thinking about for that may turn out better than the contents of thsi book!

Glue Book 2008 WIP 8 Pages 7-10

Glue Book 2008 WIP 8
Originally uploaded by Mr.Burning
Page 10 has a glaringly unfinished quality about it. I will be posting another photo of the finished pages and I think it can wait until I do that.

I amy go back through and touch up areas where the black marker is showing through.

Glue Book WIP 7 Pages 5/6

Glue Book WIP 7
Originally uploaded by Mr.Burning
A bit of a delay on getting this pictures on here, sorry.
pages 5 and 6 - The journey is continuing although their have been some casualties and drop outs.
I like page 5 but page 6 leaves something to be desired. I am going to leave this as it is though rather than work too much on it.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Glue Book 2008 WIP 6

Glue Book 2008 WIP 6
Originally uploaded by Mr.Burning
The first four pages finished. Still very doodle like, which is what I wanted to achieve. The yellow creatures' journey is important and I wanted to try and translate that as quickly as possible.

There are many 'bare' spaces on these pages and on the pages that will follow. I think this is okay, I like the small creatures being almost lost in a large landscape.

The next two pages will be finished fairly quickly now.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Glue Book 2008 WIP5

Glue Book 2008 WIP5
Originally uploaded by Mr.Burning
Getting there.
These two pages should be completed very shortly so I can move onto the next two. In between paint drying I am defacing another board book ready for something slightly different.

Hopefully this will all come together quite quickly and once completed I will be left with the task of what to do with this.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Glue Book 2008 WIP4

Glue Book 2008 WIP4
Originally uploaded by Mr.Burning
Finally, some colour.
It's a bit rushed but as you will have seen before I am very impatient. The third page also has some colour brushed on so I am starting to get on quite nicely.

I would love to have the patience to mix paints and build up layers, especially when I am using block colours, a streak free finish is the dream but I cannot hold the impulsive compulsiosn in check. I am geting better but I really need to get this done.

Maybe, once I have finished I can start to go all out, plotting , planning and really taking my time on something.

Anyway - the blcok colouring is almost complete on these pages, just need to fill out the clouds. I will go through and block all the pages then add details at the end of this process.

Collaboration Mr.Burning and Silent 2007

Collab with Mr.Burning
Originally uploaded by Silent 2007
An awesome colloboration between myself and silent2007 (of flickr).

Acrylic and black marker over a red/gold background on a ready made canvas board around 7x9". This is my first collaborative effort and I think it is really fantastic Anna (silent 2007) has done a great job and should be well pleased with this.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Glue Book 2008 WIP3

Glue Book 2008 WIP3
Originally uploaded by Mr.Burning
Last 8 frames for my first new Gluebook project of 2008.

As i said before I can cut a couple of frames out since I will only be using sixteen pages so 5 and 6 look like they will be on their way out - I was struggling with these anyway.

It will all make sense when put together.

I am currently struggling with the book itself, the layers of paint I have added are too thin and opaque so I have had to go over with a thicker mixture, which I dont really like doing. I could continue with the thin layers - building up gradually - but I am geting impatient to get this book moving. I have other board books on their way and other ideas crying out to get done.

Glue Book 2008 WIP2

Glue Book 2008 WIP2
Originally uploaded by Mr.Burning
Roughed out story board for my new gluebook project. Showing the first 8 of 16 pages.

I actually have 14 pages to fill in the board book that I am using which means I can cut some of the 'filler' out.

The basic tale is of a group of flying 'creatures' taking a long journey. Don't know what I am saying with this tale hopefully I am not saying anything - Its just a story that I whizzed up for some little blank eyed yellow characters.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Glue Book 2008 WIP1

Glue Book 2008 WIP1
Originally uploaded by Mr.Burning
I have made a start on my new book.

Firstly I lightly sanded the cover and pages, to remove the gloss so any paint will adhere better.

I am now applying layers of thin undercoat to the pages and the covers. The pages will need to lightly sanded every few layers and though it takes an age to get everything covered I want to control the coverage making sure the undercoat isn't too thick.
At this point a few more coats should do it.

I have some story and character ideas ready and when the base is finished I can start transfering ideas to the book's pages and add some colour.

New Glue Book Project 2008

New Glue Book Project 2008
Originally uploaded by Mr.Burning
This unassuming book is the focus of my lastest project.

After experimenting with board/glue books last year I am resolved to taking things a step further and will be creating a complete book, the first of many.

I'm looking to expand the narrative of previous pieces and experiments that I have worked on, new characters and story elements are being worked on for the first book along with ideas and artwork for a few other books.

I will be upolading WIP details as I get further along with the project and will provide commentary as well.

New Something...

Originally uploaded by Mr.Burning
I havent updated in a while but with a few quiet moments to spare I have added this creation.

Coming out of a Sharpie doodle and transfered onto some label sheets as stickers (what was I thinking?), this character is presented on a small artboard with the patented(!) red and gold base colour.

I am sending this away to silent2007 of Flickr who has taken an interest in doing a collaboration with me. I'm really excited about this collaborative effort and look forward to seeing the finished result.